Sunday, October 9, 2011

An explosive 3 years

whoa! its been 3 years now.. since that first day of my arrival.. well i cannot remember much of the first few months.. i just ate, slept, ate, slept, pooped, ate, slept and pooped again.
then this warmth which i am so familiar with was belonging to one particular thing.. i think they're called humans and this human had a specific name, amma.. wow.. this amma makes me feel very comfortable when i'm around her...
so far, its been a lot of people coming to visit me.. they come so fast and leave i can hardly remember some of the faces
this other human who is so fond of me and whenever i am in his hands, his mouth goes all curvy, curvy.. wait a sec.. i know what its called.. a smile..ah yes! he is in all smiles.. this is appa
other humans who always stay with us are my thatha, paati and chitappa.. well i dont know what any of those names mean.. every human is called by two names, one how the world calls them and one how i call them... for example, my amma is called muthu, my appa is called basu...

will update this blog with any remarkable incidents that come to my mind...

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